Saturday, November 13, 2010

More Photos


Here are a few photos of the many that we took on our trip. Looking back on them I realise how lucky we were to have travelled these roads.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The rest of our journey from Greece to Paris went fairly smoothly although we were hindered by more punctures a total of 20 in all and the fact that each day we had to recharge the batteries to get us going which gave us a late start each day. On October 16th. we finally rolled into Paris . It was a very emotional moment as we came down the Champs Elysee and into the Place Vendome. We were welcomed by family and friends who were all wearing yellow scarves and waving Canadian and British flags, it was a wonderful sight. We were very tired but so relieved to have made it. We ended up receiving silver medals and the same night at the Gala dinner were presented with a cup "True Grit" for staying the course and having good rally spirit so we were thrilled. In due course we will be putting together a complete report with photos.We would like to thank each and everyone of you who supported us along the way . We would not of made it without you. It was a wonderful adventure really hard at times but we have great memories and met some interesting people along the way. I promose photos will be posted soon.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hello Flora Followers, Emma here again. We just received an update from Car 41 about a challenging day in the Turkish mountains. It sounds like Flora is just hanging on, by the skin of her teeth, but determined to make it into Paris. Read below for an account of the day.

We had a dreadful day the day of the mountain section. The weather was awful with wind and heavy rain. We had decided not to do the time trial sections as Flora does not handle bends and the brakes are not great on wet roads. We set off on steep terrain anyway and half way through the day the amp meter was registering constant discharge. Car 39 Phantom II stopped to help and fiddled with the brushes and the generator sprung into life! Great we thought but later that day she stopped again and we spent a long time trying to fix her. We decided to take the main road to the hotel in case we didn't make the rally hotel, it was now dark, we had no lights and we re trying to find the white lines on the road with a flashlight! It was dangerous and I was quite scared. Suddenly a van pulled in front with warning lights flashing and lead us down the road to the hotel! He was a volunteer from the Turkish motor club who had spotted us on the road. We had previously called the rally for assistance but no reply! Flora eventually died 1 km. from the hotel. We were towed in and were escorted by the police with flashing lights! All very exciting. When we arrived at the hotel at 11:30pm we heard that a rally car on the time trial had left the road and plunged 40ft. Amazingly they walked away from the scene and apart from some bruising and shock are fine. Their car however is in very poor shape. Another car spun out on the wet roads, the Itala in fact and Karen was thrown from the vehicle, again she escaped with a sore hand and they are carrying on! So our problem is minor to some. We are now in Greece heading for the ferry to Italy tomorrow. We are managing with 2 batteries and charging them each day. One battery seems to last about 4-5 hours and so we hope to continue that way until Paris. We are now taking the fastest route each day which is allowed under the rules, several of us are doing the same thing. We are both well, tired but determined to finish.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just a few photos!


We have just spent 3 days here. Very interesting, some very nice countryside but also a lot of garbage and very poor areas. The driving here is appalling and they cancelled all the time trials as they thought it was to dangerous. We have been very warmly received by most Iranians and I have had so many phtos taken trying to hide my hair under a scarf at the same time. Flora still going well but we have a lot of high roads to take to Turkey tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hi Flora Followers! Emma here again!
Just heard from Team Flora that they have arrived in Iran. Sounds like it was a rough day of travelling.
They were held up at customs for 5 hours then had to drive another 600km to get to the hotel. They arrived at 11 pm to find there were no hotel rooms left and had to sleep on the floor of the lobby! As Treacy commented, "A first for them!"
Apparently, they are living off of toast and jam as many people have become quite sick with food poisoning. I'm sure they will be happy in the coming days to be heading into Turkey and Italy. Good food awaits!